「課室」創辦於 1983年,是一間香港本土出版社。一直以來,我們都秉承『創意+服務』的經營理念,抱持精益求精、創新多變的精神,深耕於中小學補充教材出版行業及STEAM教育產品業務,致力為香港、澳門、臺灣和內地的師生和家長提供具創意及高質素的教輔圖書和教育產品。 近年來,得益國家政策及有關部門的大力支持在大灣區設立DSE考場促進兩地教育交流與融合,並配合香港政府有意將香港發展成國際教育樞紐的規劃,『課室』抓住粵港澳大灣區的發展機遇,積極開拓內地出版市場,已陸續開展內地出版社及發行機構的合作計畫。 此同時,「課室」創積極參與香港、廣州兩地的書展活動,務求將課室創意的出版理念帶到各地。 展望未來,『課室』將繼續發揮『兩岸四地』的出版優勢,並放眼國際,探索更多元化出版空間。
CLASSROOM Publication Ltd. — established in 1983, a well-known local publisher in Hong Kong. CLASSROOM provides high-quality educational materials and services for Primary and Secondary schools. We are an innovative, one-stop development hub for the latest teaching and learning needs in print, in digital format or multimedia. We opened a branch office in Guangzhou in 1999 and continue to expand our business into Mainland China. Over the past years, national policies and the support from relevant departments have facilitated the wonderful dialogue between Hong Kong and Mainland educational fields, especially with the establishment of DSE examination centres in the Greater Bay Area. The Hong Kong government also aims to develop Hong Kong into an international education hub. CLASSROOM rides on the wave, seizing development opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and actively exploring the Mainland publishing market. Collaborations with Mainland publishers and distributors have been successively launching. Looking to the future, CLASSROOM will continue tapping into its geographical edge and infiltration of the markets of the cross-strait four regions, while continuing to develop global insights to further pursue diverse publication.