CLASSROOM Primary Mathematics Pathways (P.1B)

  • Revision:
    Reviews previous knowledge and provides score scale for self-grading
  • Syllabus-based Exercise:
    1. Includes basic and advanced problems for practicing in-school exam problems and public exam problems
    2. Scoring Key attached for solving techniques
    3. Includes STEAMpedia for cross-subject knowledge enrichment
    4. Provides Reminder for reinforcing key concepts
    5. Brain Quest inserted for training higher-order thinking (HOT) and QR code attached for detailed tips
  • Word Problems Training:
    Provides Hints and Illustration for improving solving skills
  • Test & Exam:
    Conclusively assess the mathematics knowledge of students
  • Maths Reading Station:
    Combines mathematics with reading comprehension to enhance mathematical understanding
  • Brain Power:
    Includes interesting logical and mathematics games and provides solving tips
  • Analysis of Exam Questions:
    Analysis the Scoring Key of recent exam-typed problems

Extra Quizzes:Provide continuous assessments to assess the learning progress
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9789882315549 9789882315549 SKU: HCPM-4401B Category: Tags: , , Brand:

Original price was: $ 112.0.Current price is: $ 98.6.

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