CLASSROOM Score High HKDSE English Mock Papers

S.4 – S.6 (2 books) With Teacher’s Copy

  • 8 sets of graded all-in-one mock papers (pre-DSE level → at-DSE level → above-DSE level) in two books
  • Content, format and style closely follow the latest HKDSE official exam papers
  • Papers 1–3 question types and text types fully updated

Quick Scoring Guide (Bilingual) provides Papers 1-3 exam tips and text type analyses

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CLASSROOM Score High HKDSE English Mock Papers (Book A) (S.4-S.6)
CLASSROOM Score High HKDSE English Mock Papers (Book B) (S.4-S.6)

$ 189.2$ 206.8

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Original price was: $ 235.0.Current price is: $ 206.8.

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