
  • Unit 1 - Growing up
  • Unit 2 - Shorter school weeks
  • Unit 3 - Taking a break
  • Unit 4 - Multitasking: How to do it all?
  • Unit 5 - Made in Hong Kong
  • Unit 6 - Exotic adventures
  • Unit 7 - Ready to be a grown-up?
  • Unit 8 - The extra days off
  • Unit 9 - When books come to life
  • Unit 10 - Sweat it out
  • Unit 11 - Better habits, better life
  • Unit 12 - Sports and culture
  • Unit 13 - Escape from the farm
  • Unit 14 - Mite allergies and bug bites
  • Unit 15 - Furry companions
  • Unit 16 - Fall in love with nature
  • Unit 17 - Conserving and revitalising heritage
  • Unit 18 - M+ Museum: where art and culture meet
  • Unit 19 - Being money wisee meet
  • Unit 20 - Giving is receiving