當閣下於本網上商店購物,我們需向 閣下收集以下之資料:姓名、地址、聯絡電話及電郵地址。有關資料將用作處理訂購及聯絡 閣下有關訂購的最新情況,並會儲存在於保密的數據庫內。除本公司外,只有有關信用咭公司之授權人士可利用 閣下提供的資料以完成 閣下的網上訂購。本公司並不會透露 閣下的個人資料予第三者,謹此聲明。
When using the E- shop service, you may be requested to provide personal data such as your name, address, contact number and e-mail address. Relevant information would be used to process the order and update you about the latest progress of your order. All the information would be kept in a confidential database. Only CLASSROOM Publications ltd and the authorized person from the credit card issuer can utilize your personal information for processing the e-Shop order. CLASSROOM Publication ltd hereby declares that no personal information would be disclosed to any third parties.
以下是課室教材出版有限公司 (下稱「本公司」) 處理會員資料的政策:
Policy of handling member’s information by CLASSROOM Publications ltd (hereinafter referred as ‘ our company’)
- 本公司要求客戶申請會籍時提供的資料,主要作處理訂單之用。有關資料主要包括客戶之姓名、聯絡電話、電郵地址、送貨地址及信用卡資料等。其它資料則屬選擇性提供。
Personal information provided by our customer as requested, including name, contact number, e-mail address, delivery address and credit card data, is mainly for the purpose of handling order. Other details could be provided optionally. - 會員資料亦會用作本公司宣傳及推廣。如閣下不想收到本公司發出的宣傳品,可要求於名單中刪除閣下的資料/ 記錄。
Member’s information would also be used by our company for advertising and promotion purpose. If you do not want to receive promotional materials from us, you could ask for deleting your personal information or record from the list. - 所有會員資料皆會保密。閣下提交的所有個人資料只供本公司內部使用,絕不公開或作銷售用途。
(為本公司提供行政、電訊、付款服務或其他與我們業務營運有關的合作伙伴除外) 。
All membership information would be kept highly confidential. Your personal information is used internally in our company and would not be disclosed or be used for sale.
(Excluding our company’s business partners who provides service for us in terms of administration, telecommunication, payment service and other business-related operation. - 本公司透過「cookies」取得閣下的瀏覽歷程及喜好,以提供更個人化及更體貼的服務。現時,一般電腦均會自動接收「cookies」,閣下可於瀏覽器中更改設定以拒絕接收。
To provide more tailor-made and considerate service, our company would obtain your browsing history and preferences through “Cookies”. At present, computers would automatically receive “cookies”. You might change your settings in the browser.
為使客戶能夠有一個安全及可靠的網上購物平台,Stripe 特別採用了SSL (Security Socket Layer)系統,資料傳輸時將會加密,保障客戶信用卡資料不會被盜取,讓客戶安心購物。惟客戶在購物過程中須謹記以下事項:
To provide a safe and reliable online shopping platform for customers, Stripe, in particular, uses the SSL (Security Socket Layer) System, from which data would be encrypted during transmission. The system helps prevent customers’ information from being stolen. However, customers should pay attention to the following matters during the shopping process.
- 客戶訂購時須留意「訂購確認頁」內所有資料,包括訂購貨品、數量、價錢、收貨人地址及運費是否正確。若有任何錯誤,應在進入付款程序前即時修改。
Customers should carefully examine the information on the “Order Confirmation Page”, including the order products, quantity, price, delivery address and postage. If there is any discrepancy, please modify it before entering into the payment process. - 當訂單被 Stripe 接納後,本公司不會因客戶疏忽而接受任何更改要求,亦無需負責客戶因此而引致之損失。
After the order is accepted by Stripe, our company would not accept any change of information from customers due to their negligence or be responsible for customers’ loss. - 為保障客戶利益,訂購人姓名必須與信用卡上持有人的姓名相同。
In order to protect customers’ interest, the name of the contact person should be the same as that of the credit card holder. - 本公司在網上付款閘登記之商戶名稱為「City Cultural Enterprise Company Limited」,有關商戶名稱亦會顯示在客戶之信用卡月結單上,敬請留意!
The merchant name of the company as shown on the credit card statement for all transactions conducted on the CLASSROOM Edu Mall system is “City Cultural Enterprise Company Limited”. - 本公司採用之網上付款閘乃由閣下發卡銀行及 Stripe 聯合提供,而客戶進行網上付款乃客戶與銀行之間之交易,概與本公司無關。銀行有權以任何原因拒絕客戶付款,而本公司沒有權力知道或控制交易是否接納。如客戶被銀行拒絕,可聯絡發卡銀行查詢有關事宜。
The online payment gateway is jointly provided by your credit card issuer and Stripe The online payment is the transaction between you and your credit card issuer. Our company has no legal responsibility on this area.
Credit card issuers reserve the rights to reject the transaction under any circumstances. Our company has no authority to identify or control the result of each transaction. If the transaction is rejected, please contact your credit card issuer for enquiries. - 為使客戶在遇到退款的情況時能盡快取得退款,本公司建議客戶使用之信用卡有效日期為訂購日起計最少兩個月以上,避免信用卡因過期而未能將該筆退款順利存入信用卡戶口中。
In case of refund, our company recommends customers to use credit cards with validity for two months beyond the expiry date to prevent any delays in refunding to your credit card account.
Local and overseas delivery service is provided by Hong Kong Post Office, with office hours from Monday to Saturday. (Closed on Sunday and public holiday)
送貨方式 Delivery Method |
摘要 Summary |
送貨費用 Postage |
自取 Self Collection |
免費 Free |
特快專遞 Speed Post |
以貨品重量及體積計算 Based on the product’s weight and size |
Please choose the delivery method carefully. No change could be allowed once the order is accepted by the bank. If customers have any enquiries towards the postage, please contact us by e-mail or phone. Our company would not change the delivery method for customers once the order is accepted by the bank’s electronic payment gateway. Our company would help arrange if customers insist on changing the delivery method to self-collection but the paid postage would not be refunded. Our company reserves the right to reject customers from changing delivery method or location and no compensation would be offered.
若顧客收到於生產過程有問題的書籍,包括錯頁或倒印、倒裝或缺頁 (不包括蓄意損壞者),顧客可在收貨後七天內,以電話或電郵聯絡本公司客戶服務部職員,並提供閣下之姓名、訂貨編號及損壞情況。
If customers receives any faulty product, including those with wrong page, inverted page and lacking page (not including any deliberate damage), please contact our customer service staff by e-mail or phone within 7 days from receiving the product. Please provide us your name, order number and damage condition.
Our staff would immediately arrange replacement as soon as possible after understanding the case with customers. Customers must fulfill the following criteria to get a refund or an exchange.
1) |
Our company would not accept any refund or exchange if the package of the product is damaged. |
2) | 若本公司於客戶收貨七天後才收到客戶的退貨或換貨通知,或客戶未能提供所需文件或貨品(包括正式收據),本公司有權拒絕客戶的申請。 Our company reserves the right to reject any refund or exchange if the customers fair to provide related documents or products (including the official receipt or the request is made 7 days after purchase). |
3) | 本公司需審核顧客退換貨品之理據是否充分,並保留任何拒絕要求退貨申請之權利。 Our company would ezamine whether the requst for refund or exchange is justifiable. Our company reserves the right to reject any refund or exchange. |
4) | 若因退款或退換貨品引起任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 In case of any dispute on refund or exchange, the decision of our company is final. |
5) | 退貨方式會根據顧客訂貨時所採用的送貨方式而定 Delivery method for the return of products would be the same as the delivery method chosen by customers during ordering. |
5.1 郵遞退貨 Return by Post
1) |
To protect customers’ interest, please return the product to our company by registered post. |
2) |
Customers must return both the official receipt the faulty product along with . (Please mark the reason for returning the product on the official receipt.) |
3) |
Our company would investigate every particular case of refund or exchange. Our company reserves the right to reject any refund or exchange for false case. No compensation would be offered to customers. |
4) |
Our company gives priority to shortage of stock exchange any faulty products. In case of failing to exchange the product due to shortage of goods, our company would arrange refund which would be directly deposited into customers’ credit card account. Our company has the right to amend the refund with a processing fee charged by Credit Card Company (maximum 5% of the total refund). |
5) |
In case of exchange, our company would only be responsible for the postage for the re-sending the product. Customers should undertake the postage and the possible risks of returning the faulty product to our company (Including any lost post and damage). Please properly keep the official receipt for verification. Our company takes no responsibility for any loss. |
5.2 自攜退貨 Return by in Person
1) |
顧客可連同有問題的貨品到本公司進行退貨。經本公司職員查證損壞貨品後會即時為顧客更換相同貨品。 (請參閱「退貨地點」一欄)
Customers can return the faulty product to our office in person. Our staff would exchange for customers after verifying the faulty product. (Please refer to the column of “Location of Return”. ) |
2) |
In case of failing to exchange the product due to shortage of stock, our staff would arrange refund which would be directly deposited into customers credit card account. Our company has the right to amend the refund with a processing fee charged by Credit Card Company (maximum 5% of the total refund). |
5.3 郵寄及自攜退貨聯絡資料 Contact Details for Return by Post and in Peron
地址: Address: |
課室教材出版有限公司 香港九龍觀塘成業街27號 日昇中心401室. CLASSROOM Publications Ltd. Room 401, Sunbeam Ctr. 27 Shing Yip St. Kwun Tong, Kln, Hong Kong |
辦公時間: Office Hour: |
星期一至五 上午八時半至下午十二時半 下午一時半至下午五時半 午膳時間:下午十二時半至一時半 (午膳時間、星期六、日及公眾假期休息) Monday to Friday (8:30am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-5:30pm; lunch time: 12:30-13:30) (Closed on lunch time, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) |
查詢電話: Contact No: |
3187 4878 |
如閣下瀏覽以上內容後仍有疑問,歡迎於辦公時間內致電3187 4878,聯絡本公司客戶服務部
For any enquires, please contact our Customer Service Department at 3187 4878.
地 址: Address: |
香港九龍觀塘成業街27號日昇中心401室 Room 401, Sunbeam Ctr. 27 Shing Yip St. Kwun Tong, Kln, Hong Kong |
電郵地址: Email Address: |
[email protected] |
聯絡電話: Contact No: |
(852) 3187 4878 |
辦公時間: Office Hour: |
星期一至五 上午八時半至下午十二時半 下午一時半至下午五時半 午膳時間:下午十二時半至一時半 (午膳時間、星期六、日及公眾假期休息) Monday to Friday (8:30am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-5:30pm; lunch time: 12:30-13:30) (Closed on lunch time, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) |