is will be going to be is going to be |
not will come is going to come will not come will come |
will join…won't make is going to join…is going to make will join…is going to make is going to join…will make |
eats is going to eat am going to eat are going to eat |
is going to do are going to do will going to do is going to |
will not be are not going to be are going to be will be |
are not going to visit will visit are going to visit is not going to visit |
are going to become is going to become became will become |
will rain rain rains are raining |
is not going is going to join is going to joins will join |
will will not going to going |
going to buy will buy not going to buy will not buy |
going to sleep going sleep sleep will sleep |
become are going to become going to become will become |
is going to going to take is going to take are going to take |