CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 17

Theme: Rights and responsibilities (p.185)

  1. Fidget (v.): to make continuous, small movements because you are nervous or bored

    The defendant (被告) fidgeted (坐立不安) under the aggressive (強勢的) questioning of the plaintiffc’s (原告) lawyer.

  2. Acceptable (adj.): satisfactory and good enough

    When filling in the questionnaire, some residents (居民) said that the noise of the machines at the nearby construction site (工地) at midnight was not acceptable (可接受的).

  3. Expectation (n.): your strong hopes that something will happen

    The government should replan (重新規劃) the roads to meet the expectation (期望) of citizens that they can cycle safely without occupying (佔用) sidewalks (行人通道) or motorways (高速公路).

  4. Empower (v.): to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something

    Government officials are public servants (公僕) and they are empowered (賦權) by the people.

  5. Gender (n.): the physical or social condition of being male or female

    Some candidates (應聘者) say that even though gender (性別) requirements are not mentioned in job postings, sexism (性別歧視) often occurs in interviews.

  6. Race (n.): a group of people who share the same language, history, characteristics, etc.

    Under the Race Discrimination Ordinance (種族歧視條例), it is unlawful to harass (騷擾) someone because of his or her race.

  7. Obscene (adj.): relating to sex or violence in some materials that people feel ashamed

    Law enforcement (執行) officials launched a new round of online rectification (整改), cracking down (打擊) on obscene (淫穢的) and violent online games.

  8. Equal (n.): a person or thing of the same quality or with the same status, rights, etc. as another

    All customers should be treated as equals (同等重要的人). The staff should not push some aside (排斥) just because they use coupons (優惠券).