CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 4

Theme: Health and fitness (p.47)

  1. Sports facilities (n.): buildings, equipment used for sports or fitness activities

    In order to meet the needs (滿足需求) of residents (居民) to keep fit, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (康文署) has built new sports facilities (體育設施) in the community (社區).

  2. Sports team (n.): a number of people who play a physical activity together as a group

    Relay race (接力賽) is a competition between several sports teams (運動隊伍). It tests both individual (個人的) ability and the tacit understanding (默契) between members.

  3. Leisure (n.): activities people do to relax in their spare time

    The developer (開發商) plans to build leisure (休閒) facilities nearby, including an artificial (人工的) beach and an indoor (戶內的) swimming pool.

  4. Recreation (n.): enjoying yourself when you are not working

    For fitness (健身) enthusiasts (愛好者), doing exercises like sit-ups (仰臥起坐) and bicycling (單車運動) on a regular basis is not only a way to keep fit but also a recreation (消遣).

  5. Professional training (n.): the process of learning skills to meet a high standard

    Coaches (教練) are required to go through (參加) professional training (專業訓練) before taking up the post (任職). Only after passing the examination can they get the qualification certificate (資格證書).

  6. Well-being (n.): the state of feeling healthy and happy

    In some countries, in order to boost (增強) people’s health and well-being (福祉), the relevant departments have decided to open some sports venues (場所) to the public (公眾) for free.

  7. Outdoor (adj.): existing, happening, or done outside a building

    Take adequate (充足的) food with you during outdoor (戶外的) activities such as downhill (速降), rock climbing (攀岩) and orienteering (定向越野).

  8. Hockey (n.): a game played among players from both teams with curved sticks trying to put a small, hard ball into the other team’s goal

    In a hockey (曲棍球) match, goalkeepers (守門員) should wear helmets (頭盔) and other protective gear (護具) to cushion (緩衝) the impact (衝擊力) of the ball.

  9. Cricket (n.): a game in which two teams score points by hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, and running between two sets of small wooden posts

    Batsmen (擊球手) are often responsive (反應敏捷的) and skilled in technique (技巧) and flexible (靈活的) control of their batting (擊打的) power in cricket (板球) matches.

  10. Equipment (n.): the set of necessary tools for a particular purpose

    Staff (職員) at the nursing home (安老院) refurbished (翻新) the exercise equipment (設備) and conducted (進行) safety checks (安全檢查) discreetly (細緻地).