CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 11

Theme: Changes brought by technology (p.125)

  1. Invent (v.): to produce or design something that has not existed before

    In recent years, technology companies (公司) have invented (發明) smart bracelets (智能手環) and wireless (無線的) earbuds (耳筒).

  2. Tool (n.): something that helps you to do a particular activity

    A physicist (物理學家) planned to develop (研發) a fishing tool (工具) that could help fishermen in rural (農村的) areas catch fish.

  3. Portable (adj.): that is easy to carry or to move

    Compared with desktop computers (桌上電腦), laptops (手提電腦) are much more portable (便攜的).

  4. Tablet (n.): a small computer that is easy to carry, with a large touch screen and usually without a separate keyboard

    Tablets (平板電腦) have larger screens than smartphones. This makes viewing better.

  5. Convenience (n.): the quality of being useful, easy or suitable for somebody

    Robot vacuums (機械人吸塵機) provide great convenience (便利) for housewives.

  6. Stream (v.): to listen to or watch sound or video on a computer directly from the internet rather than downloading it and saving it first

    Since the advent (出現) of internet radios, people have been able to stream (在線收聽) different kinds of programmes.

  7. Database (n.): a large amount of data stored in a computer system so that you can find and use it easily

    With the help of databases (數據庫), e-commerce (電子商務) companies nowadays can manage (管理) their logistics (物流) well.

  8. Obsolete (adj.): no longer used because something better has been invented

    Gas cookers (煤氣爐) will be obsolete (淘汰的) as more and more people are using induction cookers (電磁爐).

  9. Streaming platform (n. phr.): a platform that sends video, music, etc., over the internet so that people can watch or listen to it immediately rather than having to download it

    Many streaming platforms (串流平台) are no inferior (較差的) to cinemas in terms of (在……方面) picture quality (畫質).

  10. Device (n.): an object that has been invented for a particular purpose

    With the automatic (自動的) timing devices (裝置) at the end of tracks (跑道), runners can measure (量度) their running time more accurately (準確地).