CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 9

Theme: Roles & responsibilities (p.105)

  1. Skip (v.): not to do something that you should do

    Students who skip school (逃學) will get a demerit (記過).

  2. Shrug (v.): to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about something

    The irresponsible (不負責任的) manager shrug his shoulders (聳肩) and pass the buck (推卸責任) to his subordinates (下屬).

  3. Truancy (n.): the practice of staying away from school without permission

    Truancy (曠課) is a violation (違反) of school rules.

  4. Pressure (n.): a difficult situation that makes you feel worried or unhappy

    The actor who played (扮演) the villain (反派角色) in the movie was under a lot of pressure (壓力) in real life. He experienced a lot of verbal abuse (辱罵) from people who were too obsessed (沉迷的) with the plot (情節).

  5. Excuse (n.): a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong

    He tried to make up (虛構) an excuse (藉口) for being late for the date (約會) with his girlfriend.

  6. Stress (n.): great worry caused by a difficult situation

    Research (研究) shows that the possibility (可能性) of working mothers to suffer from (經受) stress (壓力) is 40% higher than that of other people.