CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 6

Theme: Community and neighbourhood (p.73)

  1. Community centre (n. phr.): a place where people who live in the same area meet for social events, sports etc

    In order to arouse (激起) residents’ (居民的) interest in sports, classes of a variety (各式各樣) of ball games will be held in the community centre (社區中心).

  2. Multi-purpose (adj.): having many uses

    In South Korea, the government turned unused (閒置的) phone booths (電話亭) into multi-purpose (多用途的) booths. In those booths, there are electric car (電動車) chargers (充電器) and free wi-fi.

  3. Community (n.): the people who live in the same area

    Residents (居民) can borrow newspapers and magazines (雜誌) from the kiosk (報刊亭) with their community (社區) services cards.

  4. District (n.): an area of a country or city that has official borders

    There are many elderly (上了年紀的) people living in this district (地區). They often meet up (相聚) in the park for a chat (閒聊).

  5. Facilities (n.): buildings, services, equipment etc that are provided for a particular purpose

    In front of the residential buildings (住宅大廈) are some recreational (康樂的) facilities (設施), like basketball courts and a swimming pool.