CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 5

Theme: Study (p.52)

  1. Tutorial centre (n. phr.): a place where tutors offer help to students who have difficulty with their studies at schools

    More and more young people are starting their own tutorial centres (補習中心).

  2. Exam-oriented (adj.): done for exams

    Some tutorial centres offer exam-oriented (針對考試的) courses to help students get good grades in a short time.

  3. Concentrate (v.): to give all your attention to something

    Studying for long hours may lead to inability (無能力) to concentrate (集中注意力). That is why teachers usually give their students a break during class.

  4. Distract (v.): to take someone’s attention away from something

    Students complain that the loud noise from the playground distracts (使分心) them from conducting (進行) experiments (實驗) in the laboratory (實驗室).

  5. Study room (n. phr.): a room used for doing revision

    Seat reservation is not permitted (允許) in the study room (自修室).

  6. Burden (v.): to trouble someone with something difficult

    Mr Marson said that his students were busy enough and he did not want to burden (增添負擔於) them with an extra assignment (功課).

  7. Tuition fees (n. phr.): money that you pay to learn something

    The tuition fees (學費) for public (公立) universities (大學) are lower than those for the private (私立) ones.

  8. Effort (n.): physical or mental energy you need to achieve something

    You need to make an effort (努力) if you want to score high (取得高分) in exams.