CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 1

Theme: Living in Hong Kong (p.10)

  1. Afford (v.): to be able to buy something because you have enough money

    The young couple (夫妻) cannot afford (買得起) a car.

  2. Property price (n. phr.): the amount of money that you have to pay for a building

    Property prices (樓價) in Hong Kong have remained (維持) at a high level for more than a decade (十年).

  3. Coffin cubicle (n. phr.): a living space that is as small as a coffin

    Some of the poorest people in Hong Kong live in coffin cubicles (棺材房). The space (空間) of a coffin cubicle is roughly (粗略地) half the size of a standard (標準的) parking spot (車位).

  4. Caged home (n. phr.): a living space that is only large enough for one bed and is surrounded a metal cage

    Some childless (無子女的) and unemployed (失業的) elderly people cannot even afford to rent (租用) a caged home (籠屋).

  5. Subdivided flat (n. phr.): flats that are divided into two or more separate units

    People living in subdivided flats (劏房) often feel the discomfort (不適) of suffocation (窒息) in a windowless unit (單位) on a hot summer day.

  6. Pressing (adj.): urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately

    Housing supply (房屋供應) and housing conditions (住屋環境) are some of the most pressing (緊迫的) issues in Hong Kong.