CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 16

Theme: Nature and animals (p.174)

  1. Landscape (n.): a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance

    Countless (無數的) travelers admire (讚歎) the landscape (景觀) of the Sahara desert (沙哈拉沙漠).

  2. Habitat (n.): the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives

    This area is the habitat (棲息地) of crocodiles (鱷魚). The local (當地的) government does not allow people to enter the area to catch them.

  3. Lush (adj.): having a lot of healthy plants

    The lush (茂密的) meadow (草地) provides good living conditions (環境) for livestock (家畜).

  4. Nourish (v.): to provide a suitable living condition for creatures

    Under the care of the forester (護林人), the bamboo forest (竹林) has revived (復甦) and continues to nourish (滋養) the pandas living there.

  5. Predator (n.): an animal that kills and eats other animals

    Crocodiles (鱷魚) is a fearsome (可怕的) predator (捕食者) for deer (鹿).

  6. Camouflage (n.): the way that the colour or shape of an animal appears to mix with its natural environment to prevent it from being seen

    Camouflage (保護色) is a way for some insects (昆蟲) to avoid being chased (追擊) by their enemies (敵人).

  7. Prey (n.): an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal

    As we all know, mice are prey (獵物) to cats. But some cat owners keep pet mice and the animals live together peacefully (和諧).

  8. Herbivore (n.): an animal that only eats plants

    Though African buffaloes (水牛) are strong and aggressive (好鬥的), they are herbivores (食草動物) in fact.

  9. Gallop (v.): to run very fast

    The wild horse (野馬), frightened by the thunder (雷鳴), was galloping (疾馳).