CLASSROOM Grammar Elite
for Junior Secondary Students
Words by Theme

Unit 15

Theme: Crimes (p.164)

  1. Beware (v.): used to warn someone to be very careful about something or someone

    Our school social worker reminded (提醒) us to beware (當心) that fraudster (騙子) might cheat us out of money through various (各種) means (途徑).

  2. Deception (n.): the act of deceiving someone

    The judge sentenced (判處) him to a year’s imprisonment (監禁) for deception (欺詐).

  3. Scam (n.): an illegal plan for getting money

    The couple (夫妻) conspired (合謀) a scam (詐騙). Someone in the know exposed (揭露) them eventually.

  4. Accuse (v.): to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind

    The woman accused (控告) the man because she found that he was engaged (參與) in an illegal (非法的) trade (交易).

  5. Verify (v.): to check if something is true

    When you receive a text message telling you that you have won a lottery (彩票), you’d better call the official (官方的) hotline (熱線) first to verify (核實) its reliability (可信度).

  6. Doubt (v.): to feel uncertain about something

    When the boss pressures (迫使) you to keep inviting people into his company, you should doubt (懷疑) that if he is running a pyramid scheme (層壓式推銷).

  7. Disclose (v.): to tell people about a news or something secret

    The police suspected (認為) that the man was a scapegoat (代罪羔羊) because he kept saying he was the murderer (兇手) but could not disclose (透露) more details.