CLASSROOM Reading Headway
Pre-HKDSE Targeted Practice (Book 2)
Vocabulary Glossary

Unit 15

Bird brain (p.122–123)

Part A

VocabularyPart of speechSynonymChinese meaning
1. innovative adjective creative 創新的
2. intelligent adjective brilliant 有才智的
3. superior adjective better 好過其他的
4. ingeniously adverb cleverly 巧妙地
5. accuracy noun precision 準確性
6. differentiate verb distinguish 區分
7. harness verb control 控制
8. mimic verb imitate 模仿
9. obtain verb acquire 獲得
10. retrieve verb reclaim 找回

Part B

Idioms related to competitions
VocabularyPart of speechChinese meaning
1. beak noun
2. belly noun 腹部
3. breast noun 胸部
4. claw noun
5. tail noun 尾巴
6. thigh noun 大腿
7. throat noun 喉嚨
8. wing noun