CLASSROOM Reading Headway
Pre-HKDSE Targeted Practice (Book 2)
Vocabulary Glossary

Unit 18

What are friends for? (p.144–145)

Part A

VocabularyPart of speechSynonymChinese meaning
1. committed adjective dedicated 盡忠職守的
2. intense adjective excessive 極度的
3. solitary adjective alone 獨自的
4. desperately adverb severely 非常
5. contentment noun happiness 滿意
6. sanctuary noun haven 庇護所
7. shake off phrasal verb get rid of 擺脫
8. deserve verb warrant 值得
9. embrace verb accept 欣然接受
10. yearn verb desire 渴求

Part B

Idioms related to competitions
VocabularyPart of speechChinese meaning
1. constructive adjective 建設性的
2. empathetic adjective 有同理心的
3. encouraging adjective 鼓勵性的
4. forgiving adjective 寬容的
5. inclusive adjective 包容的
6. loyal adjective 忠誠的
7. respectful adjective 尊敬的
8. thoughtful adjective 體貼的