CLASSROOM Reading Headway
Pre-HKDSE Targeted Practice (Book 1)
Vocabulary Glossary

Unit 12

Sports and culture (p.96–97)

Part A

VocabularyPart of speechSynonymChinese meaning
1. alternatively adverb as another option 或者
2. announcement noun declaration 公告
3. excursion noun expedition 遠足
4. extinct adjective vanished 滅絕的
5. firsthand adverb personally 親身地
6. military adjective armed 軍事的
7. prime noun the most active or successful period 全盛時期
8. renowned adjective famous 著名的
9. resemble verb be similar to 類似
10. vivid adjective vibrant 生動的

Part B

Idioms related to competitions
Vocabulary Part of speech Chinese meaning
1. clubs noun 高爾夫球桿
2. gloves noun 手套
3. helmet noun 頭盔
4. mask noun 面罩
5. paddle noun 划槳
6. racket noun 球拍
7. skateboard noun 滑板
8. skates noun 滑冰鞋