CLASSROOM Reading Headway
Pre-HKDSE Targeted Practice (Book 1)
Vocabulary Glossary

Unit 9

When books come to life (p.76–77)

Part A

VocabularyPart of speechSynonymChinese meaning
1. attempt verb try 嘗試
2. cling verb adhere 附著
3. daring adjective courageous 勇敢的
4. devise verb design 設計
5. enchanted adjective captivated 被迷住的
6. hideout noun shelter 藏身之所
7. knowledgeable adjective informed 有見識的
8. long verb yearn 渴望
9. quarrel verb argue 爭吵
10. resonate verb echo 共鳴

Part B

Idioms related to competitions
Vocabulary Part of speech Chinese meaning
1. climax noun 高潮
2. conflict noun 衝突
3. exposition noun 開頭 / 前言 【起】
4. falling action noun 收場 【合】
5. resolution noun 結局
6. rising action noun 劇情發展階段 【承】
7. setting noun 背景
8. twist noun 轉折 【轉】