CLASSROOM Reading Headway
Pre-HKDSE Targeted Practice (Book 1)
Vocabulary Glossary

Unit 8

The extra days off (p.66–67)

Part A

VocabularyPart of speechSynonymChinese meaning
1. burden noun load 負擔
2. consumption noun usage 消耗
3. elated adjective thrilled 興高采烈的
4. entitle verb authorise 使有資格
5. fierce adjective intense 強烈的
6. nimbly adverb agilely 靈活地
7. progressive adjective gradual 逐漸的
8. prospect noun possibility 可能性
9. revive verb restore 恢復
10. standardise verb normalise 標準化

Part B

Idioms related to competitions
Vocabulary Part of speech Chinese meaning
1. bamboo scaffolding noun 竹棚
2. evacuation noun 疏散
3. eye of the storm noun 風眼
4. flood noun 洪水
5. landslide noun 山泥傾瀉
6. rescue noun 營救
7. storm chasing noun 追逐風暴
8. torrential rain noun 暴雨